Kvir identiteta
in androgenost

"Popoln_a sem le, ko se 
oprašim sam_a"
- Pino Pongrajc 
za projekt Katleja
Androgyny: why are they so attractive?Imane Khelif wins fight and declares,
'I want to tell the entire world that I am a female'
Intersectional feminism takes into account the many different ways each woman experiences discrimination. “White feminism” is a term that is used to describe a type of feminism that overshadows the struggles women of color, LGBTQ women and women of other minority groups face.
So, essentially, it's not true feminism at all.
Ste vedeli, da imajo rože, kot so vijolice, mačehe, sivka in ­zeleni nageljni, močan zgodovinski pomen v kvir kulturi? Po navdihu velike starogrške pesnice Sapfo so vijolice postale simbol lezbične ljubezni, irski pesnik, pisatelj in dramatik Oscar Wilde pa je populariziral zelene nageljne kot subtilen izraz gejevske identitete. Angleška beseda za mačehe je bila nekoč žaljivka za „poženščene“ moške, nato pa na novo prilaščena kot simbol kvir ponosa, sivka, ki je že dolgo povezana s pravicami LGBTQ+, pa med drugim predstavlja upor in solidarnost.
A Bisexual flower is another type of flower containing female and male reproductive organs in the same flower.
Examples of bisexual flowers are - Rose, Lily, Tulip, Mustard, Tomato, Hibiscus, Country bean, Brinjal, Mango, and Sunflower.
A hermaphrodite is a sexually reproducing organism that produces both male and femalegametes. Animal species in which individuals are either male or female are gonochoric, which is the opposite of hermaphroditic.

Not to be confused with Intersex people or Intersex (biology).
Medical terminology shifted in the early 21st century, not only due to concerns about language, but also a shift to understandings based on genetics.The term "hermaphrodite" is also controversial as it implies the existence of someone fully male and fully female.
Poleg kulturnega simbolizma naravni svet, zlasti v botaniki, čudovito ponazarja fluidnost spola in spolnosti. Izraz „popolni cvetovi“ v agleškem jeziku opisuje cvetove, ki vsebujejo tako moške (prašniki) kot ženske (pestiči) razmnoževalne organe. Ti cvetovi so znani tudi kot dvospolni cvetovi - med njimi je več kot 90 % cvetočih vrst, kot so lilije in vrtnice - in se lahko samooprašujejo, s čimer prikazujejo naravni spoj moških in ženskih značilnosti, hkrati pa kažejo na prilagodljivost narave, zlasti v okoljih, kjer primanjkuje opraševalcev.
A Brief History of All the Drama Surrounding Blue Is the Warmest Color
Copy of Am I a Lesbian_ Masterdoc.pdf
“We Are Detective”: Transvestigations, conspiracy and inauthenticity in ‘gender critical’ social media discourses
Grafted cacti are a fascinating plant hybrid created by joining two different cactus species together.
Nekatere rože prav tako vizualno zrcalijo spolno fluidnost. Kala, na primer, s svojo dramatično vbočenostjo vzbuja asociacije ženstvenosti, medtem ko njeno izrazito storžasto ­socvetje namiguje na faličnost, kar združuje „moške“ in „ženske“ elemente v močno metaforo za spolno fluidnost. Podobno cvetoči kaktus s svojim trdnim, pokončnim steblom, ki se pogosto interpretira kot falično, in nežnimi, živahnimi cvetovi, povezanimi z ženskostjo, vizualno uteleša združitev tradicionalno „moških“ in „ženskih“ lastnosti.
TERF - abbreviation for trans-exclusionary radical feminist:
a feminist (= someone who believes that women should be allowed the same rights, power, and opportunities as men) who believes that transgender people (= people whose gender does not match the physical body they were born with) are not the gender they are, and who believes that feminism should not include supporting the rights of transgender people, especially transgender women.
Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl
In 2013, she also told Attitude: “I am bisexual, I’ve said it before I’ll say it again, I don’t need to – I’m sorry if this is a bit vulgar – I don’t need to eat pussy in front of people for the whole world to take me seriously.”
Nevertheless, in 2017 Gaga told that year’s class of RuPaul’s Drag Race queens on an episode of Untucked: “I’m not a gay woman, you know? And [it’s] that touchy sort of subject where ― can you stand up for people that you are not necessarily fully part of that community in a way that you can understand what you all go through?”
The green carnation became a popular symbol of gay identity when Oscar Wilde instructed his friends to wear them on their lapels to the premiere of his play 'Lady Windermere's Fan' in 1892. The green carnation served as a symbol of queer pride and was a way for Wilde and his circle to identify each other discreetly.
Vendar so razprave o spolni fluidnosti in kompleksnosti ­naravnega sveta v velikem nasprotju z vsakdanjimi izkušnjami v naši družbi. Nebinarne_i posameznice_ki se soočajo s sistem­sko diskriminacijo na področjih, kot so zdravstveno varstvo, zaposlovanje in splošna sprejetost v družbi. Družbene norme jih silijo k binarnim opredelitvam spola, kar pogosto vodi v izolacijo, tesnobo in depresijo. Tudi kvir skupnosti se soočajo z dodatnimi ravnmi diskriminacije, zlasti na presečišču njihove spolne usmerjenosti in spolne identitete. V zadnjih ­letih se je pojavil škodljiv trend, imenovan ­„transvestigacija“, pri katerem se javne osebnosti podrobno preučuje, da bi ugotovili, ali so prikrito transspolne. Ta invazivna praksa še naprej krepi stereotipe in stigmatizacijo ter utrjuje toge ­definicije spolov. Zlasti temnopolte ženske, ki se jih pogosto primerja z evrocentričnimi lepotnimi standardi, so nesorazmerno pogosteje tarča seksističnih in rasističnih predpostavk o njihovem videzu, kar odraža globoko zakoreninjeno mizoginijo in rasne predsodke. To je še posebej izrazito pri ženskah, ki so močne in mišičaste ali ne ustrezajo hiperfeminiziranim idealom, saj družbene norme še vedno narekujejo, da je ženskost sinonim za nežnost in krhkost.
Pop sensation Dorian Electra: 'I'm not a woman dressing as a man. It's more complex'
The acronym FLINTA* stands for: female, lesbian, inter, non-binary, trans and agender people. The * highlights all gender and non-gender. It’s a reference to the binary aspect of the categories man and woman.
Thankfully, plants have proven exceptionally skilled at breaking down sexual categories, though we may often choose to ignore it. This is all said without even dipping into the world of Bryophytes and Pteridophytes, where things become even more complex and queer, moving further from traditional human notions of reproduction and being. Additionally, asexual reproduction—whether in plants or other organisms—represents an entirely different form of procreation that upends heteronormative (and indeed, all normative) assumptions about sex and reproduction. These, however, are not the only categories that plants have traditionally broken down. Similarly, their ability to destroy barriers between activity and passivity (for example, with fast-moving carnivorous or sensitive plants), the debate on plant intelligence, their categorical fluidity more broadly, and their radically different forms of growth have long called Western assumptions of life into question, as well as displayed the fundamental privileging of animal (especially human) life in our scientific frameworks; this further underlines the queer-ness of plants, as well as their potential for creating new metaphors within the context of queer theory and ethnobotany that could be broadly used within society as (queer) explanatory models (Khattar etal. 2022; Sandilands 2017).
Meet Michael Stücke, shepherd
of the world's
first flock of
gay sheep
Izjava o omejitvi odgovornosti: To je neprofitna spletna stran, ustvarjena kot del raziskovalno-umetniškega projekta. Stališča, izražena v vsebini, so stališča posameznih ustvarjalcev in ne odražajo nujno stališč kolektiva YASA. Določena vsebina na tem spletnem mestu se uporablja po načelih poštene uporabe za namene umetniškega raziskovanja, komentarja in znanstvenega preučevanja.
How misogynoir is oppressing Black women athletesA Wild Investigation of Transvestigators, the People Who Think Celebs Are All Trans