- Proverbial phrase uttered by Svetlana Makarovič during a discussion about Cattleya project
"Don’t Teach a Flower How to Bloom"
Do Stores Glue Fake Flowers On Cactus?The Mystery of The Fake Cactus Flowers
Selective breeding, genetic engineering, chemical treatments, dyeing and colour enhancement, pruning and grafting. For centuries, people have been manipulating flowers and plants in order to create new and unique hybrids and ­varieties, adapt them to diverse environmental challenges and improve their resilience, extend their lifespan, enhance their beauty and aesthetic appeal - and in doing so, increase their commercial value. Sounds familiar?
Cover up, please!
The worst celebrity beach bodies
Women’s bodies are often, similarly, subjected to societal pressures and unrealistic expectations, seen not just as natural forms but as objects to be controlled, critiqued, altered and molded to fit narrow ideals. Unrealistic beauty standards, ageism, and the frequent dismissal of women’s health concerns complicate how women experience and relate to our bodies, resulting in significant physical, emotional, and ­psychological consequences.
Dolls Kill’s ‘Lolita’ collection criticised for sexualizing children
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Much like flowers are cultivated to appear flawless, women face constant pressure to conform to idealized beauty standards—emphasizing thinness, grace, youth, and perfection. (Social) media normalizes these unattainable ideals, leading women to internalize them and experience issues like low self-esteem, anxiety, body shame, body dysmorphia and eating disorders. Many resort to plastic surgery or ­disordered eating to meet these narrow standards. While cosmetic procedures are not inherently problematic and can be a valid personal choice for those seeking greater comfort in their appearance, they often reflect societal pressure to prioritize physical perfection, complicating women’s ­relationships with their bodies and mental health.
To gild refined gold, to paint the lily,
To throw a perfume on the violet,
To smooth the ice, or add another hue
Unto the rainbow, or with taper-light
To seek the beauteous eye of heaven to garnish,
Is wasteful and ridiculous excess.
– William Shakespeare
Marketing History Series: Dove’s Real Beauty And The Growth of the Body Positivity Movement
After IUD Horror Stories
Go Viral, the CDC Finally Releases Pain Guidance
In healthcare systems, women’s medical concerns are often dismissed at higher rates than those of men, with many cases of pain or illness attributed to emotional ­instability. This bias is exacerbated by the fact that medical research on the female body remains significantly behind that done on male bodies, leaving women underdiagnosed or mis­diagnosed. The constant sexualization and objectification further alienate us from our bodies. From a young age, we are taught to view ourselves through the lens of desirability, often reducing our self-worth to how sexually appealing we are to others. The struggle for bodily autonomy is thus a deeply personal and ­political one, as women navigate a world that constantly seeks to diminish our physical and emotional experiences.
The prevalence of TikTok and its impact on plastic surgery proceduresHow TikTok filters are shaping the latest plastic surgery trends
From brats to tradwives:
why do we keep putting women into subcultures?
The Hypocrisy of Fashion’s Feminist Agendafeminist body horror
Why 6-Year-Old Girls Want to Be Sexy
Parents Battle Against Unrealistic Beauty Standards
in AI Influencers Era
FEMVERTISING, OR FAUX FEMINISM?Women's daily exposure to "images of perfection" is linked to depression, insecurity and eating disorders
From chronic stress to hormones, scientists have identified a few culprits that explain why IBS rates are so high in women.

"Hot girls have IBS" is more than a trending phrase—it’s an indication of a very real and growing problem: about two in three IBS sufferers are women. And the stories being shared online are uniting them in their mutual gut-related woes.
The people trying to restore their pubes after laser hair removal
Women and Girls as Subjects of Media’s Attention and Advertisement Campaigns: The Situation in Europe, Best Practices and Legislations
“Sexuality is an essential component of adolescent curiosity and, based on media representations, a clear path to popularity with peers. It is a time of conflicting demands, especially for young girls: they should appeal to boys but not too much, appear vampish but be virginal”. The message contemporary advertisers and the mass media send to girls is that they should always be sexually available, always have sex on their minds, be willing to be dominated and even sexually aggressed against, and they will be gazed on as sexual objects."
Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a mental health problem. If you have BDD, you may be so upset about the appearance of your body that it gets in the way of your ability to live normally. Many of us have what we think are flaws in our appearance. But if you have BDD, your reaction to this “flaw” may become overwhelming.
Disclaimer: This is a non-profit website created as part of a research-based art project. The views expressed in the content are those of the individual creators and do not necessarily reflect the views of the YASA Collective. Certain content on this website is used under fair use principles for the purposes of artistic exploration, commentary, and scholarly research.